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POA South Luzon Chapter

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President: Dr Ramon J. Anatalio lll
VP: Dr Lendell John Z. Gatchalian
Secretary: Dr Roberto Gabriel L. Lopez
Treasurer: Dr Ariel D. Sandoval
PRO: Dr Marcelino T. Cadag
Scientific Officer: Dr Michael DR Muñoz
Ex-Officio: Dr Ernesto C. Tenorio, Jr



Abadilla, Dennis Paolo H.
Acuña, Larry V.
Aguado, Leonardo B.
Aguilar, Renulfo P.
Alaras, Adrian P.
Alpuerto, Bernardino B. II
Alver, Harrel D.
Asistores, Alvin Wesley A.
Atienza, Paul M.
Aujero, Frederick C.
Austria, Rinri P.
Barreiro, Mark Gabriel C.
Barzaga, Karlomagno G.
Belen, Carlo Angelo R.
Belleca, Wilbur B.
Bervano, Vanguard A.
Cantiller, Erwin Brian L.
Cantos, Joven L.
Carandang, Rico Paul L.
Castillo, Jose Rommel Romano C.
Castillo, Leonido C.
Catacutan , Gerard A.
Catbagan, Adrian B.
Cayton, Jose Marcelino S.
Celera, Abundio C., Jr.
Chan, Joseph S.
Cruz, Santiago F.
De Leon, Regidor D.B. III
Espinosa, Johnsel C.
Estera, George Winston B.
Eusebio, Ilian Dominiq D.
Faller, Albert Cesar S., Jr. 
Favila, Arnaldo S., Jr.
Gaffud, Byron C.
Garcia, Cesar H.
Garcia, Leonell R.
Garcia, Rey-An Niño L.
Garrido, Jose G.
Gaspar, Jonathan P.
Gaston, Czar Louie L.
Gatchalian, Lendell John Z.
Gonzales, Jose Alfonso P.
Gonzales, Ruel Ferdinand A.
Grey, Ceasar S.
Guloy, llustre I., Jr.
Hermida, Philip Aristotle R.
Hipol, Frederick B., Jr.
Jocson, Jose Anthony Q.
Jose, Ramon Lenandro O.
Joson, Jesse Jerus Alem Gabrieli T.
Lat, Dandro Paulo M.
Leonen, Leogardo D.
Leveriza, Terence E.
Lim, Jeremy Allan K.
Liwag, Ricardo C.
Lopez, Mark Allen M.
Manaligod, Larry M.
Marfori, Michael L.
Mariñas, Alexander A.
Martin, Cesar D.
Mendez, Nathaniel P.
Molon, Jan Noel D.R.
Moral, Jose Amando M. II
Morales, Eric John L.
Muñoz, Michael D.R.
Nicomedez, Frederick Patrick I.
Ong, Jensy S.
Pallera, Julius G.
Paner, Nilo T.
Panliboton, Elvin L.
Pantas, Jim Bryan P.
Parcon, Ryan A.
Pascual, Jose Ramon C. III
Pring, Alexander D.
Pugeda, Remer O.
Pundavela, Victor Gerardo E.
Puti, Antonio R.
Quidlat, Adrien R.
Racpan, Amando A.
Roura, Francisco H.
Rebulado, Joseph T.
Resubal, Jose Rafael E.
Reyes, Ernesto F., Jr.
Reyes, Francis Joseph V.
Reyes, Leslie M.
Rivera, Rene Generoso B.
Romualdo, Jason E.
Ronquillo, Jonathan C.
Rubio, Donnel Alexis T.
Sales, Geronimo B.
Santo, Stephen S.
Sevilla, Edgardo L.
Siatan, Edwin Jerd T.
Sibonga, Raymar L.
Sy, Romeo R.
Tabu, Irewin A.
Taccad, Caesar Paulus Serapio J.
Ticman, Misael Jonathan A.
Toquillar , Anthony M.
Tumpalan, Jana Francesca T.
Umali, Jose Antonio C.
Valdez, Ambrosio S. III
Villaruel, Copernico J., Jr.
Visperas, Joana Francesca B.
Zarate , Fitzderick S. 


History (2009)


The early 1990’s saw the need for the Philippine Orthopaedic Association, Inc. (POA) to establish regional chapters, this came about after POA fellows and diplomates who have finished their accredited residency training programs mostly in Metro Manila, and those who came back from subspecialty fellowships from centers abroad started to return to the country and practice in urban centers and provinces outside of Metro Manila.


The Philippine Orthopaedic Association-South Luzon Chapter (POA- SLC) was one of the earliest regional chapters of the POA. Ten orthopaedic practitioners in the Southern Luzon and Bicol areas, met among themselves, and organized in 1991 what is now known as the POA-SLC.


They elected Dr. Rodolfo L. Nitollama, a UP-PGH department of orthopaedics alumnus based in Legazpi City Albay as the founding president in 1991. The nine other original founding members were: Dr. Ernesto F. Reyes, Jr. (POC, Batangas City); Dr. Leslie M. Reyes (UPPGH, Los Baños Laguna); Dr. Samuel S. Reyes (POC, Naga City); Dr. Edgar O. Esplana (POC, Naga City); Dr. Juan C. Villaluz (POC, Laguna); Dr. Emilio B. Cadayona (UP-PGH, Laguna); Dr. Mario R. Ver (UP-PGH, Batangas City); Dr. D’Horacio L. Biscocho (POC, Lucena City); and Dr. Telesforo B. Llamas (POC, Lucena City). The group would hold scientific meetings in different venues. Later, they were officially recognized together with the other POA chapters namely, POA Mindanao chapter, POA Visayas chapter, and the POA North Luzon chapter, as the four original regional chapters of the association.


Dr. Nitollama served as the first president from 1991- 1993 (including the hold-over period in 1991). He was succeeded by Dr. Emesto F. Reyes, Jr. (president 1994-1995), Dr. Leslie M. Reyes (president 1996-1997), Dr. Samuel S. Reyes (president 1998-1999) and Dr. Geronimo B. Sales. Jr. (POC, Calamba Laguna, president 2000-2001). After Dr. Sales, the chapter fellow decided to elect their president and other officers on a yearly basis. Dr. Ceasar S. Grey (PaC, Lucena City) was president in 2002, while Dr. Ricardo C. Liwag (UP-PGH, Cavite) is the present president (2003).


Of the ten regional POA-South Luzon founding members. two (Drs. Biscocho and Llamas) are now abroad. Their whereabouts are unknown, and it could not be ascertained if they have attained, and maintained, their POA fellowships. Two are now practicing in Metro Manila (Drs. Cadayona and Ver).


Dr. Cadayona after serving as Provincial Health Officer (PHO) of Laguna, went for a while to Baguio City, returned to Metro Manila, and is now with Capitol Medical Center in Quezon City. Dr. Ver joined St. Luke’s Medical Center where he is now head of its Institute of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine.


Of the six members left, four have served as POA-SL presidents (Drs. Nitollama, E. F. Reyes, Jr” LM. Reyes and S. S. Reyes) one after the other. Dr. Esplana is currently ‘Chief of hospital of the Bicol Medical Center in Naga City, while Dr. S. S. Reyes is CUITelltly medical director of Mother Seton Hospital also in Naga City. Dr. Nitollama is ‘currently the POA vice-president, while Dr. Villaluz served as POA trustee for Luzon for two terms. Dr. L.M. Reyes is a trustee and presently secretary of the Philippine Board of ‘Orthopaedics (PBO), while Dr. Sales is presently a POA trustee for Luzon.


Since the inception of the most outstanding chapter of the POA in 2001 the South Luzon Chapter has won its first two staging in 2001 & 2003. The POA South Luzon chapter was adjudged the Most Outstanding Chapter of the POA, the first time such award was given. In 1998, the chapter successfully hosted the 10th POA Mid-Year convention at the Casablanca Hotel in Legazpi City, the first time the mid-year convention was held and hosted bl the South Luzon chapter. The POA SLC will again have its turn when it hosts the 15 midyear convention in 2004 in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan.


In 1996, the first and only PBO-accredited orthopaedic residency program in South Luzon was established in the department of orthopaedics of the De La Salle University Medical Center (DLSUMC) in Dasmariñas Cavite. Its present chairman is Dr. Leonido C. Castillo with Dr. Ricardo C. Liwag as training officer. An attempt to have another orthopaedic residency training program accredited in the Bicol Medical Center in Naga City did not materialize after the PBO visited them in 2003.


During the last 17 years, the chapter has grown by leaps and bounds. It now has more than 50 active fellows and 6 honorary fellows (Drs. Ramon B. Gustilo, Edward V.A. Lim, Noel B. Carilo, Lauro M. Abrahan, Jr., Antonio N. Tanchuling, Jr. and Julyn A. Aguilar).



Coconut tree - symbolizes the tree of (Life) commonly seen in the provinces of South Luzon area.

10 Coconut Fruits - represents the original 10 founding members of the chapter.

7 Branches of the Tree - represents the 7 major areas or provinces of South Luzon namely Batangas, Bicol, Cavite, Laguna. Quezon, South Manila and the Maropa group.


Leaves - are the growing number of members of the chapter.

Log shaped like an L - represents Luzon the abaca rope shaped like an S represents South. The letters L and S may mean La Salle representing De La Salle Univ Medical Center, the only institution in the area with a residency training program in orthopedics.

Mayon volcano - is the chapter’s first logo. Colors green and gold - are the official colors of the chapter.



South Manila Laguna

Cavite Batangas

Rizal Quezon

Camarines Norte

Camarines Sur

Albay Sorsogon



Mindoro Oriental

Mindoro Occidental




© 2023 by Philippine Orthopaedic Association, Inc

Website Trustee-in-Charge: Michael DR Muñoz, MD, FPOA

Website Design by: Mike Villanueva

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