President: Dr Nilo T. Paner
Vice Pres: Dr Herminio R. Valenzuela, Jr
Secretary: Dr Geraldo A. Herrera
Treasurer: Dr Michael DR Muñoz
PRO: Dr Andrew Gabriel J. Tabberrah
Ex-Officio: Dr Marcelino T. Cadag
Membership Committee Chairman: Dr Edsel F. Arandia
Agbayani, Benigno A. Jr.
Antonio, David Vincent J.
Arafiles, Ruben P.
Arandia, Edesl F.
Asedillo, Emmanuel R.
Asis, Genaro Wilfredo Francisco C.
Atupan, Jereme B.
Azores, Gregorio Marcelo S. Jr.
Baclig, Phillipe Y.
Baron, Joel V.
Belen, Carlo Angelo R.
Bengzon, John Andrew A.
Bergonio, Rodolfo P.
Bernardo, Peter B.
Besa, Mark Philip B.
Cadag, Marcelino T.
Camiña, Paul Ruel C.
Chan, Mario L.
Chuasuan, William D.
Cortes, Jonathan Carlo F.
De Jesus, Daveric T.
Dela Rosa, Rey Thomas P.
Diyco, Frederic Joseph F.
Escano, Juan Antonio Maximiano R.
Estil, Jose Carlos C., Jr.
Exaltacion, Jesse James F.
Fernandez, Mark Angelo P.
Flavier, Manolito M.
Flordelis, Jonathan O.
Flordelis, Jose Z.
Franco, Leo Anthony M.
Gaffud, Byron C
Garcia, Joyce G
Gomez, Raymond E.
Guloy, Ilustre I., Jr.
Herrera, Geraldo A.
Homena, Edwin Sabas Recto J.
Itchon, Rey Luther C.
Jurilla, Raphael Angelo C.
Kokseng, Raymond Alvin J., Jr.
Lai, Joseph L.
Leagogo, Liberato Antonio A.
Leaño, Angelo R
Leung, Jean Pierre F.
Lim, Victor Allan M.
Limson, Marc Anthony M.
Lopez, Mark Allen M.
Manipon, Christopher A.
Miranda, Janmichaelben G.
Molon, Jan Noel D.R.
Monicit, Dilbert A.
Muñoz, Michael D.R.
Mutia, Karlou D.
Ochoa, Rolando Angelo T.
Pacheco, Deejay M.
Pallera, Julius G.
Paner, Nilo T.
Pangilinan-Docena, Dyan F.
Pantas. Jim Bryan P.
Papio, Peter Paul P.
Pasion, Ellewellyn G.
Paulino, Hubert R.
Quiaoit, Peter S.
Raymundo, Alan Leonardo R.
Resubal, Jose Rafael E.
Romualdo, Jason E.
Rubio, Donnel Alexis T.
San Juan, Jose Antonio G.
San Pedro, Paul Cesar N.
Sindiong, Robertito Paolo B.
Tabberrah, Andrew Gabriel J.
Tabu, Irewin A.
Tacata, Cirilo R., Jr.
Tanchuling, Antonio N., Jr.
Teodosio, Yrelle John H.
Valera, Melvin V.
Valenzuela Jr, Herminio R.
Villamin, Charles Abraham C.
Vizcayno, Jr., Janos F.
Yap, Kenneth Alexis M.
Yu, Alvin Ray L.
Yu, Gary Andrew M.
Zarate, Fitzderick S.
History (2009)
In 1991, Dr. Ramon B. Gustilo, then the Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedics of Hennepin Country Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and concurrently the Chairman of Makati Medical Center, gathered Filipino orthopaedic surgeons to a meeting that led to the establishment of the Philippine Hip and Knee Society.
The Filipino Surgeons Who co-founded this society were Drs. Napoleon Apolinario of UP-PGH, Antonio Sison of the VMMC, Jose Pujalte Sr. of the National Orthopaedic Hospital (now known as the Philippine Orthopaedic Center), Ramon Celo of NOH, Rafael Recto of UP-PGH, Ellewellyn Pasion of UP-PGH, Norberto Agcaoili of UP-PGH, Cirilo Tacata of UPPGH, Jesus Duenas of POC, Teodoro Castro of POC, Lauro Abrahan, Jr. of POC, Andres Borromeo of POC, and with the inclusion of the original Gustilo fellows like Dr. Liberato Antonio Leagogo, Mario Geronilla, Albert U. Dy and Reynaldo Ang were also invited to join this society.
The society’s objective was to create a local organization that will discuss and promote interesting hip and knee surgical cases, with a particular interest in the growing field of arthroplasty. This involved participation of non-orthopaedic members who have been into research like Dr. Jude Sasing, a biomechanical engineer who devoted much of his work to the design of biomaterials and orthopaedic implants.
The society conducted regular scientific meetings having invited various guests who were known to be authorities in hip and knee surgery. This also paved the way to the creation of an annual resident’s research case contest which offered hefty amounts of prizes to deserving winners.
The society also conducted regular instructional surgical courses on hip and knee arthroplasty, oftentimes, interactive in nature and very stimulating to all. The membership has grown in numbers when young Filipino orthopods came back from their post-residency training abroad and joined the society. The likes of Drs. Albert Dy, Benigno Agbayani, Antonio N. Tanchuling, Jr., Peter Bernardo, Ilustre Guloy, Vicente Gomez, Jose S. Pujalte, Jr., Paul Cesar San Pedro, Tony San Juan, Jose Fernando Syquia, Jean Pierre Leung and Gregorio Azores.
The society keeps abreast with the current trends in hip and knee surgery through an annual Asian Joint Symposium participated by Asian surgeons. These activities promote camaraderie among its members and the Asian hip and knee surgeons. This also led to the participation of the members of the newly formed APAS (Asia Pacific Arthroplasty Society), a bigger and wider forum among Asians for hip and knee arthroplasty, with Dr. Ellewellyn G. Pasion as the
country representative up to this time. There were meetings held in Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, China and India. Filipino orthopods were invited to present lectures and their cases to share with the rest of our Asian friends.
The recent activities of the society included a Surgical Road show, showcasing instructional surgical cases done outside of Metro Manila. The recently concluded ones were carried out in Cebu in 2004, Baguio City and in General Santos in 2005.
The aim is to promote arthroplasty in its basic sense emphasizing on “back to basics” portfolio for the general orthopods. These meetings were most welcome and well attended by the local chapter members in the area.
Through the years, the society, with the primary objective of promoting the science and art of hip and knee surgery with particular emphasis on arthroplasty, has evolved into a specialty society of the POA, having been formally incorporated into the association’s array of specialty organizations. The ASEAN Arthroplasty Association was recently formed with PHKS members like Drs. Peter B. Bernardo, Gregorio MS Azores, Paul Cesar N. San Pedro and Antonio N. Tanchuling as founding members. Dr. Bernardo is the incumbent Vice-President and Dr. Azores as the country representative.